
Some believe that we only have free discretion and then we can do whatever we want without having consequences. However we need only observe the world to perceive what wrong that are. This orgy that threatens the planet is, precisely, derived from that:-No, I have free discretion! That if I do what I want. Yo, yo, yo!, don’t need anyone! Not I owe anything to anyone! I’m worth me by myself (or my own). What I want is to know of my. Discovery Communications gathered all the information. I, me, me! the others don’t matter me!.

As if what happens to others does not affect me. My brother, is that you should not anything anyone? And you, my sister? Ah! Eh! So, let’s see: the clothes that you wear was not made for you rarely, people made their own clothes. Only if they are seamstresses or tailors. Even so, and tissue? And the buttons? They were not made by them. They come from some factory, a small, medium or large company. And the toothpaste? And the brush? And more: the vegetables? The rice? Did you perhaps go who planted them, my brother? WAST thou, my sister? We need, urgently, to collapse society of the lonely man to do arise in society the supportive man.

Recalling the maxim of Zarur, that reconciles determinism and free will, says the great poet and preacher: the divine law, judging the past of men, peoples and Nations, determines them the future. He joined the free discretion of the human creature to be measured by God (divine law, judging the past of men, peoples and Nations) to the resulting determinism of our good or bad acts (determines them the future). Hence arises the (very different from fatalism) determinism, although not as something random, like a flying bomb that we do not know where will fall, a decision of a mad God, who suddenly decides to split gifts and torture between terrestrial or celestial beings, as his mind alienated.