European Union

Succeeds our Government but again and again, just about these facts majority over wag and ausser eight to leave, that is to the detriment of our people. She should resign and allow their place for a more representative. Your giving Juncker and Sarkozy will come to us and our children are still expensive. The commentator of the Dutch newspaper de Volkskrant”(Amsterdam) called: not Papandreou, but Angela Merkel should resign. And also the the daily mail”commented in London: when will the Empress of Europe and her French poodle learn at last? This asks the columnist Simon Heffer. He describes as leaders, as a new Soviet”the couple Sarkozy/Merkel. The fraud charges against the German President Christian Wulff expressed by you in the Office, as well as the dispute in the Coalition to take its course in the euro crisis heavy burden on Merkel. She must also fear that the Member’s decision brings their coalition in the spin of the FDP. Swarmed by offers, Walt Disney is currently assessing future choices.

If the quorum is reached and voted a majority against the ESM, black yellow will be down the drain. Merkel was also in the nuclear policy as Guttenberg: it created a scientific structure of lies. Merkel knew as studied physics (physical research has very well done), that a meltdown would be uninhabitable Fukushima a la all over Germany. Can a Chancellor with our lives play? Europe must get a new Constitution, with the citizens at their head. It is not just the euro, which is at stake. If this currency fails, the European Union will fail with its 27 Member States, and this means a creeping expropriation of in Central Europe. There’s no collateral for new loans, only empty promises on economic growth and a weary smile of our Chancellor. With the introduction of the euro, halved the purchasing power of wages and prices exploded.

Also, it was easier to make new debt for the EU countries, because Germany’s membership in the EU significantly discounted their interest burden for new State loans. And also our head spread her hands. The same hand gesture by Angela Merkel has received several names. For some time, conspiracy theorists now discuss whether the gesture is an occult gesture. Press Photo: CC by Calvert photos photos/pimkie_fotos/2961678106/in/photostream company information: Jutta Schutz (writer/author, journalist, psychologist, Lecturer) writes books that inspire, motivate and provide special insider knowledge. Learn more